Fitrah turns 23 YO. huhu


Alhamdulillah, I still breathe today. This time, my entry is about my born day on Oct 18. So Im officially 23 years old. It does not mean I am getting old but I am getting better person. Hmp old is gold, right? hahahaha. I am so happy because live in good condition and situation. Pleasure ! Nothing super special on my birthday unless the best wishes from family, heartbeat and friends. Thank you so much for the doa from you gais. Really appreciate it ! May Allah bless your life :) 

To my heartbeat Albakri Salleh, I never ask candle light dinner, exclusive place or expensive things. Quite enough when you appreciate me as your partner. Actually, I am super duper excited with your surprise. never disappoint me ! 
Awak ajak saya lepak dekat Jambatan Seri Wawasan before we go back to our destination. Ya, I just follow since we were on weekend. I just duduk di atas benteng and you bring the butterscoth cake with 5 bars of candles indicate of 5th anniversary. (5tahun perkenalan sebagai kawan baik)

Dear my heartbeat, I am such a grateful girl in having you in my life. I hope you too. Sorry for every mistake throughout five years. I admit that I have a lots of weakness and I hope you re the right person in correcting me.  xoxo 

No light on candle kays. huks

Butterscotch cake. I'll try to finish it even I'm on diet. *cry 

Spent here about 200ringgit . *cry again

yah dont too seriously!

Thanks for reading and dont forget to follow. Muah


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