Fitrah turns 22
Assalammualaikum, long time not update this blog. Too busy right now with degree life. Seriously, so tough with FYP proposal and so on. Be strong Fitrah. For this time, I want to share my old story. ngeh ngeh. Now Im officially 22 years young. Dulu masa kat high school, tak sabar na 20 an and rasa lama sangat but now kenapa mcm cepat lak haishh... But, alhamdulillah because Im still breathe. But this time, Im very lucky because I get excuse on my birthday. muahahaha.. Tq ma and abah for celebrating me. Even its simple but too worth to me Just a dinner with family and love ❤ serelop baju kelawar wakaf che yeh jewpp kemain hat sebelah tu pose dia ◕‿- tq for the presents and treat ❥ I hope I get what I want in this life :)