Happy 21st Fitrah Mohd

Assalammualaikum, Hai.. malam yang penuh rahmat ni sebab hujan huhu teringin nak menaip dan berkongsi cerita. (biar xde org nak baca) 2weeks ago, I oficially 21 years old. became older. wekk. I would like to say thanks for those that's giving wish and so on. I never hope about present but I really hope about the relationship with you all. Masa birthday tu, aku ada kat kota bharu. huhu so sad because cannot celebrate my bday with the person I loved too much. But, I really surprised because has someone send me the surprised that I never thought. haha haha pandai ye anta kejutan kat kita awaa ni. Rasa speechless sgt awaa because no one pernah buat kejutan macam ni kat kita. Bagi kisses, balloons, flowers. Bunga hidup plak tu. Rose+Lavendar+white kekwa Actually, I love flowers than chocolate. Even, people around me said they prefer chocolate than flowers. But, give me flowers give some differ symbolic. So, don't pertikaikan k. TQ duhai keka...